Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Being a Successful Teacher

The teacher is the person who relates and communicate in a positive way with her students and you should follow some strategies to be more successful in your teaching process.

  • Holding High Expectations of your students: As a teacher, you should believe in them , expect that they are able to succeed  , motivate their abilities and appreciate their work even if it is invisible.
  • Having sense of humor: When the teacher accept her student's joke and she makes her classroom a source of happiness then learning will become more easier and students will concentrate more with their teachers .
  • Knowledgeable in their field:  The teachers are masters in their subject area. She should know "What is  her subject about , what is the objectives of her lesson , Is she able to let her students understand , what methods used to let her subject understood by her students......"
  • Communicate with parents and students: The teacher should establish a relationship with her students and their parents. She should care for her students , be a good listener, respect them and the relation with parents will the teacher to know her students more.
  • Being up-to-date: The teacher should be up -to-date for new methods that she can use in her teaching process because students are up-to date for every single information , if something is changed in a domain of her subject , she should know .
  • Being emphasized with students: The teacher must be patient with students and understand their problems facing with her subject in order to keep them on the track.
 Image result for how can you be a successful teacher

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Building Student's Self-Confidence

Many students are facing problems with their parents, with their surrounding and even with themselves.  They may face problems with their parents and their surroundings because of different points of view.They can face problems with themselves when they doubt their abilities and dreams.
To deal with these problems , we need to increase their self-confidences .

Steps for building student's self-confidence :

  • Provide positive feedback to your students when appropriate: Praise them when they do good jobs and tell them that you are proud of them and you are proud that they are your students.
  • Give only genuine praise: Your students can recognize the genuine praise from false praise. Make sure that you don't praise a student for doing nothing.
  • Set realistic goals for each student: Each student is different from the other so the teacher should set goals for each student alone based on their abilities and these goals are achievable by the student himself or herself.
  • Use teaching strategies that provide an opportunity for equal participation: Make sure that all the students are sharing . For example , arrange them in circles in order to make eye contact with each other.
  • Create an open, positive environment for learning: Create a safe environment for you students, Don't make them afraid from you , let them express what they want .
  • Show enthusiasm for the subject you are teaching and for your students' success: Your students will feel bored when you feel bored . Let them feel that you are excited about what you are doing in order to increase their sense in achieving goals.
Image result for how can you increase students self-confidence

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Cooperative Learning

Image result for cooperative learning

 What is the Cooperative Learning?

  Cooperative learning is a new teaching strategy used to improve students' understanding , using different students' levels of abilities.

Why we use it ?   

  • Improve academic achievement.
  • Increase self-confidence and motivation.

How does it work? 

We have 3 strategies and cooperative learning can benefit any subject because it can be used with any subject in the curriculum.
  • Group Investigation : is an approach used in classes that allow students work collaboratively in small groups , and the students take active roles in determining their goals.
  • Student Team - Achievement Divisions :It is known by STAD ,  it is a strategy used for small groups and the students are with different levels of abilities in order to accomplish  a shared learning goal.
  • Jigsaw:is a grouping strategy in which the members of the class are organized into groups then rearranged in new groups to share their learning. This is an excellent method for improving students' teamwork and communication skills.

Advantages of these Strategies:

1-They have potential to produce a level of engagement . 
2-Students may explain things better to another student than a teacher in a class.
3-Questions  are more likely to be asked and answered  in  a group setting.


Being a Successful Teacher

The teacher is the person who relates and communicate in a positive way with her students and you should follow some strategies to be more ...