Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Importance of Education

Education is the development for the abilities of human's minds, it is the process for facilitating learning skills, values , beliefs and knowledge.

Image result for importance of education in society

Importance of education in human life:

  1. Ability to read and to write: one of the simplest abilities that education can affect the human life which is the ability to read and to write . When you are able to read , you will be able to recognize letters, numbers , words and you will be able to write your own topics. So , you will be able to read newspapers,  signboards in streets , in restaurants , public places.  Also, reading and writing will help you to know what's happening around , if you are searching for a job , you will be able to read the signboards in restaurants or in places which offer jobs so you will not be able to lose the job because you weren't knowing about it.
  2.  Communicating with others will be easier: We are all familiar with the social applications such Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. Moreover, we are learning new techniques in computers using the applications found in google apparatus. We are able now to communicate with our friends this blog that I am using now. What's amazing is that you can communicate with others even if you were in another country.
  3. Expressing your opinion and point of views: When you are using certain techniques and applications , you will be able to express your opinion using these applications. Nowadays, we are not leaving our phones because we are able to communicate and express our opinion without seeing that person we talking to him.
  4. Ability to serve the society:  Education helps the society to be more effective and practical. It enrich the society with different majors such as teachers, engineers , medical services. So nowadays, when you feel sick , you will go to a doctor and even if you are tired psychologically you will go to a psychological doctor. 
So as a conclusion , we are nothing without education .  

1 comment:

  1. education is the light of humans' life. It gives people a chance to have a better quality and seek to develop their knowledge and their skills. Usually, the educated person become aware about the negative things.


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