Monday, March 26, 2018

Why Sky is Blue using Physics

It is easy to see the sky blue.
Have you ever ask yourself why?

Image result for why sky is blue

The sunlight looks white to human being but actually it is a mixture of the colors of the rainbow.
What are the colors of the rainbow?
Image result for prism with colors of rainbow
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue 
  • Violet
These colors are called visible spectrum which mean that they are seen by the eye of the human being.
We can see these colors when  the white light  passes through the prism ( triangle in the figure) , the light is separated to all of its colors. As we all see that the colors are different and in physics is explained because of the wavelength. Each color has it's own wavelength.
As the white light of the sun travels through the Earth's atmosphere , this white light collides with the particles of earth.Because of these collisions we have these different colors or different wavelengths.
How the sky becomes blue?
These colors are scattering in all directions. Since the blue component of the spectrum has shorter wavelength than the red component of the spectrum , the sky looks blue.

So, when the sun is high in the sky , blue light is scattered in all directions as sunlight passes through the atmosphere and we see the sky blue.

1 comment:

  1. interesting information and now i'm familiar about the sky color .


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