Sunday, March 11, 2018

Reflection on the webinar attended

 The webinar that I attend was about " Encouraging Physical Activities in Preschoolers" and was done with Doctor Sanders on Tuesday February 27,2018.

We always see that students when they move , they may hit their foot with the table or fell down.

 In this webinar , In order to decrease these movements that lead the students fell , he  was encouraging the usage of the  motor skills  which allow  students to use their bodies in  playing  and learning  new things in life. Preschoolers is the stage before children enter schools, and as we all know children use their skills to move , to play and to learn. Also, these skills are called loco motor skills . Are you familiar with such skills ? These skills are the movements where the body travels from one location to another. There are two types , one is called by even rhythm loco motor skills and the other is the uneven rhythm loco motor skills . Even rhythm loco motor skills are skills such as  walking,running,jumping,hopping,leaping, whereas  the uneven rhythm loco motor skills are skills such as  skipping , galloping and sliding.  Such skills help children in many domains physically and socially.
We all know that our classrooms are not useful for such skills so we need to give signs specific with each skill  to help our children know which skill we will use. Moreover, we should knowledge our students with when and where we should apply these skills.


  1. Yes I think students in lowers school stages are using more their five senses to learn and experience life so it is very important to give them the opportunity to use the loco-motor skills freely. Thank you for giving us such ideas!

  2. It seems an interesting and important webinar that every teacher and mother should read ,nice job dear.

  3. Actually, your reflection about the webinar that you attended, attracted me because this is the first time I know something like that (loco motor skills) and their types. I like to know a new thing and this thing is interesting at the same time. good luck dear

  4. It's a nice topic which I think we need to read more about especially moms who spend most of the time with children before they go to school. Kids also like to move a lot, so it's great to let them release their energy and move their body through engaging them in nice games and movement activities.


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